Everitt Lau

Registered Massage Therapist

Everitt Lau

Registered Massage Therapist

Meet Everitt, a passionate Massage Therapist dedicated to easing pain and enhancing performance for athletes and everyday individuals alike. With a mission to promote freedom of movement through manual therapy, Everitt specializes in serving desk workers, mothers in their pre and postnatal stages, enthusiasts of snow sports, and powerlifting.

Drawing from personal experience as a powerlifter and avid snowboarder, Everitt understands the unique needs of his clients, tailoring his approach to provide targeted relief and support. Through evidence-based techniques like cupping and ongoing education, Everitt stays at the forefront of therapeutic modalities, ensuring that each session delivers optimal results.

Beyond his practice, Everitt leads an active lifestyle, regularly engaging in powerlifting, snowboarding, and hiking. With plans to pursue further certification in FST Level 1, Everitt’s commitment to holistic well-being shines through in every aspect of his work with his clients.

Special interests

  • Pre & Post Natal Care
  • CrossFit & Olympic Lifting
  • Powerlifting
  • Skiing & Snowboarding
  • Desk Workers

Next available at Kensington:

July 27, 2024

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