What Is Frozen Shoulder?

Are you experiencing pain and stiffness in your shoulder? You may have "Frozen Shoulder". Learn what is and how to manage your symptoms.

5 Exercises For Moms

For every mom! Try these 5 exercises to help retrain your core and back muscles. Do them at home - all you need is a band and a mat.

Low Back Pain 101

Are you having low back pain? As the #1 health issue, you are not alone. Learn what exercises will help relieve your symptoms and FutureProof Your Body!

3 Types of Shoulder Instability

Do you feel pain or discomfort in your shoulder? You may have shoulder instability. Learn about the 3 types of shoulder instability and how to manage them.

Test Your Hip Mobility

How stiff are your hips? These 5 exercises will help test your hip mobility. Learn the cause and treatment for tight hips.